Explore. Learn. Play: wonderLearn's most loved toys: Part 2
2022 is off to it’s start, that means it is time for our new round-up of toys and learning aids that we (and all our little learners) love!
Fishing Game
Colors, numbers, magnets and a fun fishing game meet each other in this exciting game created by wonderLearn for our toddlers. Identify different sea animals as the month’s theme, and get to pull them out on a magnet. There is so much to offer in this learning aid, our little ones could be occupied with just this one toy for the entire month. Whether they are learning about sea animals, or numbers, or just being little sea explorers - there is a whole new world to explore!
Taking classic games and modifying them into fun learning experiences is exactly what wonderLearn hopes to always achieve. Meet the tetris board for our older learners. It’s a much loved game that meets learning and development of numeracy skills. We have the much loved classic game of tetris meeting a challenge. Solve a simple puzzle/ addition/ subtraction problem and get the answer to match the maze. It’s not only brain food, but also a lot of fun!
*We also teach our little ones the basics of addition and subtraction required before they get to this level; so they actually have fun - while they learn something new!
Farm Animals
Parents reading this blog - pop quiz time – what is the baby of a horse called? Did you say pony? It’s not :) It’s called a foal! This is what we aim to teach all our little ones with this puzzle. Not only will we be teaching them what the little ones of different animals are called, we will also teach them what kind of food they eat, and later what habitats they live in! This will all be done by our expert teachers in a way that your little ones will have fun, understand and learn at the same time!

Cooking Set
Pizza, pasta, dal makhni, roti, chutney, idli, dosa? Our little ones have definitely eaten a lot of yummy food prepared at home! Have they got to think about making it all? Maybe! Or maybe not. Our cooking set has proved to be a much loved toy amongst all our little wonderers, Consisting of pots, pans, spoons, girls and even plates, our little ones (with the guidance of their teachers) have made chef hats and then (pretend) made all their favorite foods. This is trule a happy space for teachers and all our students!

These are only a few of the fun adventures awaiting your little one’s learning journey. So what are you waiting for? :)